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Living in Auckland

If you are wanting to live with a Homestay family, this can be arranged for you with a Marist College warm and welcoming homestay family.

The homestay families are all vetted and approved by Marist College to make sure that the family you live with is kind, caring and will look after you as their own daughter. Families can be made up with different sizes and locations. Some families will have students at Marist College or will have done so previously. We will match families with students as much as we can as there are also dietary or pet requests. You will have your own bedroom with storage and a study desk and three meals a day, plus snacks. You might need to pay an extra fee for transport if you need to come to school on the school bus or public train or bus.

Students can also live in Auckland with:

  1. A parent who is in NZ with a Guardian Visa
  2. With a homestay family
  3. With a relative or close family friend who is known to the students’ family. They are called a DCG (Designated Caregiver)
Homestay Hosting

If you are a family living in Auckland and you’re interested in hosting an international student, please apply to become a homestay family. Please email the Homestay team if you have any queries about this and we look forward to hearing from you.