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Catholic Character
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“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”.  Joshua 1:9

Ad Jesum per Mariam - To Jesus through Mary

Marist College is committed to fostering excellence in education founded on living Catholic values and the spirit of Mary.

The Marist tradition of education originated in France in the early 19th century. The Marist Sisters arrived in New Zealand and started in Mt Albert in 1928. The co-founders of the Marist Sisters are Jeanne-Marie Chavoin and Jean-Claude Colin. The College values its traditions and its continued links with the Marist Sisters.

The special character of the College as defined in its Integration Agreement is as follows:

"The school is a Roman Catholic school in which the whole school community, through the general school programme and its instruction and observances, exercises the right to live and teach the values of Jesus Christ. These values are expressed in the Scriptures and in the practices, worship and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church as determined from time to time by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland."

The special character of Marist College is evident in our daily prayer, our regular celebration of the sacraments of Eucharist and reconciliation and in the formal study of religious education programme. Students at Marist are fully involved in the planning for and participation in liturgical celebration whether it be the weekly class masses held in the Marist Sisters Chapel or the school masses celebrated in the Parish Church with the full school community.

At Marist College retreats are a compulsory element of the special character of the College. Retreats give girls an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and a chance to strengthen their own self-esteem. At senior levels retreats encourage the development of leadership skills based on Christian ethics.

Our Faith has been written specifically for students and teachers in Religious Education in Catholic secondary schools in New Zealand. The programme is designed to provide a foundation of knowledge and works alongside the school’s Catholic special character, which helps form and enhance their understanding of our faith and what it means to be a follower of Jesus and a member of the Catholic Church. 

Religious Education is compulsory for students in ALL year levels.

The Marist Charism
In Mary's Way - Bringing the Gospel of Jesus to the world. Thinking, judging, feeling and acting as Mary would in the world today.
Marist College Values

​Underpinning Marist College Values are the theological virtues that come from God and lead to God. Cardinal virtues that are human virtues, acquired by education and good actions. These virtues are qualities of moral goodness.

The Theological Virtues are faith, hope and charity.
The Cardinal Virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.

With these theological and cardinal virtues as our basis we strive to live these Gospel Values in thoughts, actions, and interactions by living our school values in our everyday lives.

Presence in Mary's Way
Aroaro i Te Ara o Mēri

Engaging fully in life, in a simple, gentle, compassionate way working to build community.

Family Spirit in Mary's Way
Wairua Whanaungatanga i Te Ara o Mēri

Fostering a sense of belonging, encouragement, unconditional love and acceptance of each person.

Empowerment in Mary's Way
Whakamana i Te Ara o Mēri

Fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence in each person so they may fulfil their potential for excellence.

The Marist Graduate
Marist women will graduate as faith driven, well qualified, competitive, nurturing, community leaders who have a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging through: • Catholic education  • Academic success  • Leadership through service  • Sense of belonging

"Mā te Ngākau aroha koe e ārahi."

"Let a loving heart guide your decisions."

Whakatauki, Māori proverb