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The Marist College community is committed to fostering excellence in education founded on living Catholic values and the spirit of Mary. Students who are preference and have a preference certificate authorized by an agent of the Roman Catholic Bishop will be given priority enrolment. Marist College has a maximum roll of 750 places. 

Information for parents/caregivers seeking preference of enrolment at Catholic Schools is available here.
The Attendance Dues Enrolment Guide is available here.

Please get your enrolment application in as soon as possible. Enrolments for 2026 are closing at the end of Term 1, 11 April 2025.

Documentation Required

Thank you for your interest and your intention to enrol your daughter in Marist College. Applications for enrolment will not be considered for acceptance until all required documentation has been received. 

Please complete the online form 'New Enrolment Application', then complete and submit the documents below by emailing them to [email protected]

General Enrolment Queries

Enrolment queries can be made to the Enrolment Officer via email [email protected] or by phoning (09) 892 2826, during school office hours, 8am - 4pm, Mon - Fri, term time only.

Non-Preference Enrolments

Non-preference students will be enrolled only if enrolment places remain after all preference applicants have been enrolled. The maximum number of places available for non-preference students will be governed by the maximum allowable under the College’s Integration Agreement which is 5% of 750 places. 

Non-preference enrolment priority will be given in the following order:
1) Sisters of non-preference students currently enrolled;
2) Daughters of former non-preference students;
3) Non-preference students from feeder schools;
4) Other non-preference applicants.

Waiting list procedure: All unsuccessful applicants may choose to have their names placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be kept within relevant priority categories, ranked in order. Students on the waiting list may be offered places at a later date if they become available. The waiting list will remain current until the beginning of the next enrolment intake.